Sunday, June 3, 2007

Flour and Fond

Technically this is my first post to this, my new food blog. I've pulled in some of the food related posts from my other bog Aufgefallen, and one or two from my very first blog from a trip to Taiwan.

I will start out with an update on future food, my experiment with growing vegetables. I think the last time I attempted to grow veg it was carrots, and I was probably about 8. The carrots were a disappointment, puny and bitter, and convinced me that I did not have a green thumb. Living in the Pacific Northwest has given me hope, seeing as everything I've stuck in the ground seems to flourish.

This is the garden just under a month ago
And this is the garden today

As you can see things are going well for my little 3x5 patch. In fact, bolstered by the success I decided to add a few containers on the side of the house.

I planted a couple heirloom tomato plants, some French Lavender (I'm sure it will take over the pot, but hopefully not until after harvest) and a pepper plant. I also sprinkled in a some lettuce seed, which I am planting in various spots around the yard on two week intervals.

Hopefully all of this will eventually become fodder for recipe posts...